Friday, March 12, 2010

Hecka Prefrenchious

In French class I'm reading Simone de Beauvoir, a seminal French writer, existentialist philosopher, and feminist. She wrote from the 1940's all the way through the late 60's. Above she's pictured with lifelong romantic and intellectual partner Jean-Paul Sartre. I'm reading her novel, Les Belles Images, published in 1966. The story follows a dechirée Laurence, married with two children, as she struggles to find meaning beyond the "belles images" that are constantly being projected by the empty society that surrounds her. Simone de Beauvoir is definitely one of the most interesting female thinkers I've discovered so far.

"Sans doute à toute époque il est normal d'être effrayé quand on commence à découvrir le monde"
