Monday, March 15, 2010

1970 Keep America Beautiful PSA

This is an campaign launched by Keep America Beautiful, an organization actually funded by big industry. The point of the PR operation was to call attention to the problem of litter produced by individuals with the ultimate goal of diverted the public's attention from the root problem which was unrestricted, unregulated industrial production. This ad ran for the first time in 1970. Pretty crazy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Big Waves

Is it weird that I find watching big wave surfing incredibly cool?

Perhaps why I liked Riding Giants so much.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hecka Prefrenchious

In French class I'm reading Simone de Beauvoir, a seminal French writer, existentialist philosopher, and feminist. She wrote from the 1940's all the way through the late 60's. Above she's pictured with lifelong romantic and intellectual partner Jean-Paul Sartre. I'm reading her novel, Les Belles Images, published in 1966. The story follows a dechirée Laurence, married with two children, as she struggles to find meaning beyond the "belles images" that are constantly being projected by the empty society that surrounds her. Simone de Beauvoir is definitely one of the most interesting female thinkers I've discovered so far.

"Sans doute à toute époque il est normal d'être effrayé quand on commence à découvrir le monde"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Throwback Mix

I've undertaken the task of making an extensive throwback mix spanning 2002-2004. That's 4-6th grade, also known to many as the golden age of pop music. It's pretty coveted by many friends already. There are some classics on there, from Ja Rule to Baha Men to Eiffel 65 to Sugar Ray. A lot of nostalgia. But few were as evocative as Hoku. From her album that debuted in 2000, the video is too much.

And this just reeks (ha) of 6th grade dances.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Put on your socks and mittens

This wintry mix shit in March is whack.

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's All Happening

Almost Famous, such a great film."the only currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool"

Why can't I be Penny Lane?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Izland Nite Life

Just got back from a night trip to Sauvie's Island with Keen. Did some train hopping on the way there, too. That was cool. We stopped at the beach for a while and the crickets/owls were out of control, as were the stars. Made me really nostalgic for all of our trips there last summer, but also equally as excited for more trips to Sauvie's and beyond this summer. I love Oregon in that you can drive in pretty much any direction for a little while and end up somewhere different and exciting.
Roaming the fields Summer 2009

Friday, March 5, 2010

GORGEous Day Hike

"Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience" - Walter Benjamin

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Collaborative Music: In Bb

Check it:

Incredible idea. This in Bb project was inspired by Terry Riley's similar project in the 80's. Also check out this Buddha Machine someone made using the site.

Speaking of scales/chord progressions, this reminded me of the YouTube
video showing over like 50 songs that all use the same chord progression. So crazy.

Oh, and credz to my man Joey Lubitz for sharing this.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Body paint, cut-off shirts... the formula's all there. What is this, hipsters wonder, some sort of undiscovered neon dp? Chell.

This is Holi, the Festival of Colors, celebrated predominantly by Hindus, but also Buddhists and Sikhs too. This year the main day of the festival, Holi, was on March 1st. I came across amazing photos of Holi celebrations in India and had to share. Here are some of the best. Click to expand (really):


Holy men (Sadhus) in Allahabad




Eye in Chandigarh



Man sits to watch processions in Mathura


Temple in Vrindavan

Celebrations can last up to 16 days since they're based on lunar cycles. Holi is a welcoming of Spring and a celebration of the triumph of good over evil. Among other celebrations (like bonfires for Hindu figure Prahlada), devotees drop their inhibitions and playfully chase each other in temples and through the streets, splashing colorful paint, powder, and water on one another. Aesthetically, the festival is stunning. I just wish I knew more about it beyond that.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


A great short made by Jessica Yu, an innovative American filmmaker known for her documentaries.
