Friday, April 30, 2010

Free Weezy

The Carter Documentary is far from new now, but it's not any less insane. If you have an hour to kill, watch it. It will be time well spent. Weezy is actually so crazy it's ridiculous. Somehow, throughout it all, I can't help but think he's really, really tight. So much sizzzurp. His manager is pretty cool too..

If it only shows up as half, full screen it here.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I used to hate covers because I thought they were uninspired and tacky. But they're definitely growing on me. Here the some of my faves:

Run Toto Run- Sleepyhead

The Black Keys- She Said, She Said

Arcade Fire- Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son

Tallest Man on Earth- These Days

Taken By Trees- My Boys

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuft Decision = Made

So, I'm officially going to Tufts. I'm a little hesitant to venture away from the best coast, but I'm psyched to try out the east coast lifestyle. I'm gonna endeavor to do all the east-coasty things I can. High on the list: try out sailing. That photo of my man JFK up top is dripping with nautical style.

In the spirit of college, a tight remix of AC's "College" by Etherea:

On another note, just bought the new TMOE cd, The Wild Hunt. Really digging it so far, here's a good track (couldn't find many others online):

("The Wild Hunt")
Cool shot of Kristian Mattson w/ horse

T.M.O.E. - "The Wild Hunt"
ETHEREA- "College (AC Remix)"

[Get entire FREE ETHEREA album]

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

While you were out

It's good to be back, non-existent readers. Been gone for too long. It's been more than a month, but I'm back in the game now. Not a lot is new, but here are some pix from the sickest backpacking trip ever i went on last month up on the olympic peninsula:
